Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Entering Ramapo College

Hi my name is Valerie D'Ambrosio and I'm going to devoit this blog to touching base on what I have to do to prepare for my college experience. It has been a very stressful journal to try to decide what college I was going to chose to go to. I applied in the beginning of this year to four schools consisting of Montclair State University, Ramapo College of New Jersey, Farleigh Dickinson, and William Paterson University. Fortunately I was accepted to all the four schools that I applied too. Once I saw Ramapo College I immediately felt that this school was the college I wanted to attend. The main aspects that I liked at Ramapo College was the fact that it is only about 40 minutes away from my house therefore I have the chance to experience the "living away" aspect of college and also am close enough to come home whenever I want. One major reason why I also loved Ramapo College is because the classroom sizes are fairly small, usually 20-25 students per room. I feel that the smaller classroom sizes will make my learning experience a much easier transition since my highschool classroom sizes were about the same. The dorms at Ramapo college are definitely the nicest I have seen as well. I'm very excited to start my journal at this college in just a few months and plan on making it the best 4 years of my life.